What Can A Solar Power Pod Do For Me?
There are many ways in which people can benefit from integrating a
Solar Power Pod into their daily life, such as the following:

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) approximately 44% of UK employees still work remotely, which equates to around 14.5 million people at home for most or all of the week.
Analysis from Uswitch found that working remotely uses around 25% more electricity compared to being in the office 5 days a week, and costs the consumer an additional £600 per year on their energy bill. If these workers were to use a Solar Power Pod to power their home office, television, radio, devices, etc during the daytime they would save this additional £600 and significantly reduce their Co2 emissions. The cost of the Solar Power Pod would be recouped early in its lifecycle, leaving years of free and clean energy generation, saving a significant amount of money and Co2.
For those that go out to work during the day, the Solar Power Pod presents a great opportunity to become almost entirely off-grid. Due to it being weather-safe it sits outside to charge throughout the day, ready for use when you get home. Simply cook your dinner in the microwave, make a cup of tea, plug in your TV, phone charger, tablet charger, etc and enjoy living with free clean energy.
There are approximately 11 Million Over 65’s in the UK, which is around 7 million households. The average household Co2 emissions are around 8 tons per year, which is approximately 56 million tons of Co2 per year for this age group alone.
If 50% of these households were to use a Solar Power Pod it would prevent around 20 million tons of Co2 per year from entering our atmosphere (based on reducing traditional electricity consumption by a third).

Around 14.5 million people in the UK work from home most or all of the week post- pandemic. On average, this daytime activity causes approximately 1kg of additional Co2 emissions per household per day, which equates to around 3.7 million additional tons of Co2 emissions per year.
If all of these remote workers used a Solar Power Pod to provide their daytime ‘office’ power, based on suitable sunlight 50% of the time, it would reduce these emissions by half, and save them a significant amount of money on their energy bill.
There are approximately 28 million households in the UK, if just 25% of these homes used a Solar Power Pod (7 million) it would reduce our annual Co2 emissions by around 21 million tons and save the consumer over £2 billion per year (based on an average electricity bill of £867.87 for a 3 bedroom home).
It’s great to build new solar farms to supply x000’s of homes around the country, but when you put the power to generate energy directly in the hands of the people it spurs them on to use less energy and be generally more aware of their usage. Even if you don’t fall into one of the above categories, by using a Solar Power Pod the environment will benefit by reducing emissions and you will benefit by having reduced energy bills. I think that’s called a Win Win !